News from September 2018

Kibo (Tantezampe Kilimanjaro Trek At Rey) goes to the Gold Country shows on 9/1 and 9/2 and comes home with another point, WD and BW both days, BOS and OH group 4 on Saturday, and BOB, OH group 3 and regular GROUP 4 on Sunday! 

Pilot (GCH Morozova Rey’s Sky Pilot), co-owned with Cynthia Jabour, goes BOB, BOBOH at the Santa Ana Valley KC on Sept 22, Judge Anthony DiNardo.

News from August 2018

Kibo, Tantezampe Kilimanjaro Trek At Rey, acquires his first AKC points at the Mensona Shows in Santa Rosa. WD, BOS over 2 specials the first day, WD, BW the second day.

Brooke, GCH Aruzia Joyous Ruisseau Royale At Rey, CGC was Select Bitch on Saturday and BOB OH, wih an OH Group 2!  Brooke was BOB on Sunday as well.

News from 2017

In 2017, many wonderful things happened at Casa Del Rey. At the beginning of the year, Junior (GCHB Morozova Rey's Sierra Moonlight SC, BN, RN, CGCA) was BOB at the Inland Empire Hound Club show in Palm Springs.  He added a couple of group placements in 2017, and finished the year as the #3 OH borzoi.  Brooke finished her GCH title in 2017, placing BOB several time, adding her own group 2 placement, as well as Select bitch at the Inland Empire Hound Club show in Palm Springs.

Ty Gets His Rally Novice Title!

Ty's Rally Novice shows and scores:

Palm Springs KC, 1/4/14  Score: 92
Palm Springs KC, 1/5/14  Score: 97  4th place.
Los Encinos KC, 1/16/14  Score: 95  4th place.

Ty also has 2 legs on his Beginner Novice title:

Los Encinos KC  1/16/14  Score 185.5  1st place.
Ventura DFA  1/19/14  Score 194.5  3rd place.

Patron Hits The Ring And Does Well!

We have had Patron out several times this year and he has started out well with him winning WD, BW, and BOS for 2 points at the Orange Empire Dog Club, 1/25/14 under Judge Valerie Stokes.


Patron also won WD, BW and Best BBE for 1 point at the Ventura Dog Fancier's Association show 1/19/14 under Judge Judy Webb as well as WD at the Los Encinos Kennel Club show on 1/16/14 under Judge Dr. Gareth Morgan-Jones  for 1 point.

Patron BOW

To top all that off, Patron has garnered his JC title as well!   We see good things for this boys future.