CH Morozova Rey’s Glenlivet
GCHS Morozova Rey’s Summerlane Wind Rider X GCH Aruzia Joyous Ruisseau Royale At Rey, CGC
Breeder: Kay Novotny and Janet Adams
Glen is the handsome cream boy from Brooke’s surprise litter. He is owned and loved by Karen Greenhill of Rushwind Kennel and Garnett Thompson of Sunburst Kennel. Glen won Best in Sweepstakes and Reserve Winners at the BCGO Specialty and picked up a major the next day at the Cornhusker KC, from the 9-12 puppy class. Glen has finished his CH title, winning his second major by being awarded Reserve Winners Dog at the BCOA National Specialty 2022. He then acquired his last few CH points at the Burbank shows in CA (pictured) . Glen will be out soon, looking for his GCH title. FLASH! Glen is now a daddy! His first litter is here - 4 boys, 1 girl.